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Top 10 Front End Developer Interview Questions And Answers

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Содержание Company Introduction To Programming Basic Front End Developer Interview Questions Programming Books What Are Your Favourite Features Of Html5 And Css3 And What Would You Change? Front End Developer Interview Questions 101: Html Edition Best Code Editor Almost complete answers to “Front-end Job Interview Questions” which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself. Go from zero to front end interview hero with this handbook. This is a very common frontend interview question and the code is as follows. When the layout, window size, etc of an element is changed, the position of all the elements after it changes accordingly. This in turn affects the flow of the page and is called reflow. Data attributes are used to store extra information/ data in the DOM. If the developer has organized a multi-team project, which he is leading, this is a good insight into his leadership qualities. The workflow of a modern front-end developer has changed vastly in the past four or five years. A huge array of tools are available to build organized, scalable web applications by abstracting out many of the complexities and automating repetitive tasks. Each developer will share a different workflow which will give some insight into their organizational capacity and general technical preferences. Various small and big companies hire front-end developers to build UI interfaces for their web projects. Companies eye for developers who can create a UI that is convenient, responsive, and interactive on various devices. Why would you use CSS over JavaScript animations — and vise versa? It’s light on resources but the code can be a bit verbose. JavaScript has the edge when it comes to backward compatibility but it typically causes more performance issues related to latency. Basically, XHTML adds the power of the XML markup language to your webpage. While many people opt not to use XHTML, doing so can provide you with more control and offer more accessibility to your webpage. Company Soft skills are essential for any and all roles, especially if you’re in a front-facing team. Soft, though by name might suggest something banal, are crucial for professional development and success. At a minimum, you will be asked about basic to advanced techniques involving HTML, CSS, DOM, JavaScript, HTTP/URL, and browser skills. Once you have landed the interview, you can start doing your homework. Fixed – A fixed position implies that the element remains fixed to the viewport, which means it stays in the same place even if the page is scrolled. The structure of the content is really important as this is what makes the pages readable. Additionally, properly structured content helps search engines understand your page better and this pushes it to rank higher. Semantic or Semantically correct HTML is used to structure content appropriately so that they are displayed correctly. Higher-order functions are functions that operate on other functions. These functions either take other functions as arguments or return them and hence they are called higher-order functions. The algorithm allocates requests to the servers, once completed, it goes back to the top and the process is repeated. To be honest, I don’t know the exact number, but I would say that it is going to depend on the browser, and that more modern browsers are more likely to support more concurrent downloads. Therefor, I like to ask front-end developer question that helps to find logical persons, not the one who knows about all functions but have a good analysis. I think you must make a difference between skills and experiences. Explain the difference between the JavaScript call and apply functions. Not all browsers are restricted to just two parallel downloads per hostname. Many hiring managers understand this, which is why some interviews are short on essay questions and more focused on workflow. Use progressive loading such as Lazy Loading to optimize the rendering of heavy elements, such as images and videos. In explicit coercion, the developer deliberately changes the data type of a variable using different in-built functions, such as String(), Number(), and Boolean(). CSS Preprocessors facilitate adding variables and functions increasing code reusability which makes development easier. CSS should be loaded in the head section to so that styling can be loaded before the page body loads, else the page will appear without styling. Observe the applicant’s responses, and hear the interviewer’s feedback on those answers. This course will help you tackle front-end interview questions with confidence and poise. These questions can form the backbone of your interview process, but they should be supplemented with technical tests of proficiency as well. Then, you’ll want to do some research of your own to prepare for any additional questions. For example, if you’re going to be using Kotlin for mobile development, you’ll want to practice questions around that language. Perform a simple Google search to find common interview questions, or touch base with other developers at the company and ask how to prepare. Introduction To Programming This data has no expiration, however, it is limited only to string data. Local data can be accessed using Javascript and HTML but cannot be transferred to the server end. Although local storage data does not have an expiration date it can be cleared by the user. Graceful degradation is when you have a fancy feature, such as a tab-based layout, but which would degrade to a stacked layout for a browser that can’t support whatever is generating the tabs. In other words, it allows users with an inferior browser to still access app content, but with a possibly more basic UI. A stylesheet is a template file consisting of font and layout settings to give a standardized look to a website or web application. HTML Doctypes are not elements or tags but rather a document type declaration. This document is used to tell the web browser the HTML version used or about any other markup language that is used on the current page. Having the right skills is essential, but those won’t come over night. Like any industry, experience and ability will be your foundation. If you are doing lots of front-end development you are on the right track. Basic Front End Developer Interview Questions CSS Preprocessors make it easier to manage code as they allow the grouping of parent and child elements into modular blocks. Block formatting context is a type of formatting context in CSS that allows you to lay child elements based on the initial block layout rules. The most commonly used load balancing technique is called Round Robin. In this method, the requests are distributed across a group of servers. Presenting yourself as a problem solver who knows how to get things done in a timely manner will make all the difference. Concatenation of scripts written in different strict modes might cause issues. We could try open-source libraries to handle the browser-specific styling issue. OPTIONSIt allows us to get information about the requests accepted by the server.43. These questions help the interviewer get to know who you are as a person, beyond your coding ability. They’ll also help them determine if you’ll be a good fit for their team and if you share some of the same values that the company looks for. Behavioral interview questions are more about your personality and your skills that aren’t related to coding. Making it to the interview is a huge achievement in your job search! This course gives you insights into how interviewers think. Experienced technical hiring managers will show you how to answer questions with confidence. You will observe successful interviewing behaviors, and practice your own responses. Learn how to break down the steps to answer whiteboarding questions. Programming Books To keep a consistent look and feel to a project, there should only be one stylesheet. I like to ask this question to judge problem-solving, communication and team skills. IMocha has the world’s largest skills assessment library, with over 2500 questions across various domains. The most important thing to keep in mind is that hiring managers will want to know how efficiently you work and how well you will fit in with the company culture. Interviewing for a position as a front-end developer can be tough, especially if you are new to the industry or you haven’t had an interview for a while. Having a grasp of web fundamentals is, well, fundamental. Good communication and presentation skills can help you stand out from the crowd. The main task of a meta tag is to specify the document specification, such as document page description, page character set, page keywords, page author name, page language, and page viewport setting. You may also be thrown a curveball during the interview, and you’ll need to think on your feet. I am a Full Stack Developer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, who also loves to write technical articles that can help fellow developers. We can reduce the consumption of resources by the pages by improving the server response. For the preprocessor, you need to learn extra tools, which increases the learning curve of CSS. In local scope, the visibility or accessibility of a variable is limited to a specific function. For instance, if you search for something on Google Search then in return it shows only a few results on the first page, rather than filling the user request by all the search results in bulk. Google Search shows only a few contents and gives an option to the user to fetch more if needed. It allows me to be creative and learn a wide variety of skills. There’s nothing like that feeling of accomplishment that comes from coming up with an elegant solution to a problem. When I’m in the zone, it feels like I am using all of my brain. There’s an endless amount of possibilities and problems to solve. Watching a script I wrote come alive is a magical experience. Sometimes we get so focused on landing the job, we forget to consider how it will affect us. Give some suggestions on how can we optimize our front-end page. For example, when we just want to update our name or any other specific information of our account, we can use the PATCH request. PATCHIt is similar to PUT and is used when we want to update a specific field of our data. For example, when we create a new account on any webpage, we generally use the POST request. Preprocessor files can not be executed directly on the browser. For example, Jinja is a popular templating language that works along with python frameworks such as Django and Flask. But, if you know what to expect and prepare ahead of time, you’ll be in great shape. Good communication and presentation skills can help you stand out from the crowd. You can do lots of amazing things with them like wrap text around images, make several different shapes with a single element or create a body border. Just like any industry, if you keep your skills sharp and you know your stuff, you should be okay. Below are some broad categories that these questions fall into. JavaScript has the edge when it comes to backward compatibility but it typically causes more performance issues related to latency. There is no definitive answer to the question, but it will give a frontend developer the chance to evaluate their own experience and also reveal their expectations. To a certain extent the difference between UI/UX and front-end development is the difference between design and implementation. A UX/UI would also do testing and evaluation post-implementation. Understanding the front-end needs of your own company before asking this question gives an insight into the candidate’s potential fit. MVCs typically organize webapps into a well-structured pattern, making code easier to maintain. The term is well-known by developers and some famous examples of MVCs include backbone.js and angular.js. What Are Your Favourite Features Of Html5 And Css3 And What Would You Change? JS should be loaded after all content has loaded, ie just before the closing body tag, so that loading of possibly large JS files does not initial page load. Screenreaders are what someone who is blind would use to read rather than view a page. I recently finished up a good round of interviews for frontend positions (and found a good job! ;), here are some of the questions I was asked which I thought stood out . Developers, be it frontend or backend, who work on projects in their own time are our favorites, as it shows a love of programming outside of monetary incentives. This is also an interesting question as it gives some insight into leadership and team organizational abilities. Front End Developer Interview Questions 101: Html Edition Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3, and Chrome 1+ do six downloads per hostname. Sharding across two domains is a good compromise that improves performance in all browsers. But rather than keeping up with new technologies, it reveals whether the front-end developer being interviewed is also up to date with new features within the core technologies. The z-index property is used to stack elements on the z-axis. You can use z-index to override HTML’s default stacking order. Use caching to make more efficient use of server resources. Use a content delivery network to accelerate the delivery of your content. I’ve been hearing about how great of a functional programming language it is for a while now. It may not be replacing JavaScript anytime soon but it is a very interesting alternative. I’ve dabbled with it in the past but I never dove in deep. It’s a nice tool to add to my bag of tricks.What do you find interesting about coding? Many top companies devote the most substantial portion of the interview towards testing candidates on their Javascript knowledge. That completes the list of the best front-end interview questions. In the interview, you might also face programming questions related to JavaScript. For example, the interviewer might ask you to write a specific script or function based on a problem. Any web development job interview consists of both backend and front-end interview questions. Why Front End Interview Handbook? This is because now, the web is not just limited to the desktop. Other organizations will ask technical questions during the interview. Or, you may be asked to complete a short skills test or debugging exercise while you’re in the office for your technical interview. However, the Window.onload is fired only when the DOM is fully loaded and ready with all the content including images, scripts, css, etc. Unfortunately, up to and including version 8, Internet Explorer doesn’t support files served as XML, although a number of other browsers do.

Almost complete answers to “Front-end Job Interview Questions” which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself. Go from zero to front end interview hero with this handbook. This is a very common frontend interview question and the code is as follows. When the layout, window size, etc of an element is changed, the position of all the elements after it changes accordingly. This in turn affects the flow of the page and is called reflow. Data attributes are used to store extra information/ data in the DOM.

7fb2cff1-7451-4ff7-89d3-5e999b13d99a-768x512 Top 10 Front End Developer Interview Questions And Answers

If the developer has organized a multi-team project, which he is leading, this is a good insight into his leadership qualities. The workflow of a modern front-end developer has changed vastly in the past four or five years. A huge array of tools are available to build organized, scalable web applications by abstracting out many of the complexities and automating repetitive tasks. Each developer will share a different workflow which will give some insight into their organizational capacity and general technical preferences. Various small and big companies hire front-end developers to build UI interfaces for their web projects. Companies eye for developers who can create a UI that is convenient, responsive, and interactive on various devices.

Why would you use CSS over JavaScript animations — and vise versa? It’s light on resources but the code can be a bit verbose. JavaScript has the edge when it comes to backward compatibility but it typically causes more performance issues related to latency. Basically, XHTML adds the power of the XML markup language to your webpage. While many people opt not to use XHTML, doing so can provide you with more control and offer more accessibility to your webpage.


Soft skills are essential for any and all roles, especially if you’re in a front-facing team. Soft, though by name might suggest something banal, are crucial for professional development and success. At a minimum, you will be asked about basic to advanced techniques involving HTML, CSS, DOM, JavaScript, HTTP/URL, and browser skills. Once you have landed the interview, you can start doing your homework.

Fixed – A fixed position implies that the element remains fixed to the viewport, which means it stays in the same place even if the page is scrolled. The structure of the content is really important as this is what makes the pages readable. Additionally, properly structured content helps search engines understand your page better and this pushes it to rank higher. Semantic or Semantically correct HTML is used to structure content appropriately so that they are displayed correctly. Higher-order functions are functions that operate on other functions. These functions either take other functions as arguments or return them and hence they are called higher-order functions.

luchshie-freymvorki-node-js-v-2022-godu-1 Top 10 Front End Developer Interview Questions And Answers

The algorithm allocates requests to the servers, once completed, it goes back to the top and the process is repeated. To be honest, I don’t know the exact number, but I would say that it is going to depend on the browser, and that more modern browsers are more likely to support more concurrent downloads. Therefor, I like to ask front-end developer question that helps to find logical persons, not the one who knows about all functions but have a good analysis. I think you must make a difference between skills and experiences. Explain the difference between the JavaScript call and apply functions. Not all browsers are restricted to just two parallel downloads per hostname.

Many hiring managers understand this, which is why some interviews are short on essay questions and more focused on workflow. Use progressive loading such as Lazy Loading to optimize the rendering of heavy elements, such as images and videos. In explicit coercion, the developer deliberately changes the data type of a variable using different in-built functions, such as String(), Number(), and Boolean(). CSS Preprocessors facilitate adding variables and functions increasing code reusability which makes development easier. CSS should be loaded in the head section to so that styling can be loaded before the page body loads, else the page will appear without styling.

Observe the applicant’s responses, and hear the interviewer’s feedback on those answers. This course will help you tackle front-end interview questions with confidence and poise. These questions can form the backbone of your interview process, but they should be supplemented with technical tests of proficiency as well. Then, you’ll want to do some research of your own to prepare for any additional questions. For example, if you’re going to be using Kotlin for mobile development, you’ll want to practice questions around that language. Perform a simple Google search to find common interview questions, or touch base with other developers at the company and ask how to prepare.

Introduction To Programming

This data has no expiration, however, it is limited only to string data. Local data can be accessed using Javascript and HTML but cannot be transferred to the server end. Although local storage data does not have an expiration date it can be cleared by the user. Graceful degradation is when you have a fancy feature, such as a tab-based layout, but which would degrade to a stacked layout for a browser that can’t support whatever is generating the tabs. In other words, it allows users with an inferior browser to still access app content, but with a possibly more basic UI. A stylesheet is a template file consisting of font and layout settings to give a standardized look to a website or web application.

8c8f390e-5aca-4fff-8aed-3fee23ce417f-768x458 Top 10 Front End Developer Interview Questions And Answers

HTML Doctypes are not elements or tags but rather a document type declaration. This document is used to tell the web browser the HTML version used or about any other markup language that is used on the current page. Having the right skills is essential, but those won’t come over night. Like any industry, experience and ability will be your foundation. If you are doing lots of front-end development you are on the right track.

Basic Front End Developer Interview Questions

CSS Preprocessors make it easier to manage code as they allow the grouping of parent and child elements into modular blocks. Block formatting context is a type of formatting context in CSS that allows you to lay child elements based on the initial block layout rules. The most commonly used load balancing technique is called Round Robin. In this method, the requests are distributed across a group of servers.

Presenting yourself as a problem solver who knows how to get things done in a timely manner will make all the difference. Concatenation of scripts written in different strict modes might cause issues. We could try open-source libraries to handle the browser-specific styling issue. OPTIONSIt allows us to get information about the requests accepted by the server.43.

07bbf336-0126-42b5-8347-3a3bc48136ce Top 10 Front End Developer Interview Questions And Answers

These questions help the interviewer get to know who you are as a person, beyond your coding ability. They’ll also help them determine if you’ll be a good fit for their team and if you share some of the same values that the company looks for. Behavioral interview questions are more about your personality and your skills that aren’t related to coding.

Making it to the interview is a huge achievement in your job search! This course gives you insights into how interviewers think. Experienced technical hiring managers will show you how to answer questions with confidence. You will observe successful interviewing behaviors, and practice your own responses. Learn how to break down the steps to answer whiteboarding questions.

Programming Books

To keep a consistent look and feel to a project, there should only be one stylesheet. I like to ask this question to judge problem-solving, communication and team skills. IMocha has the world’s largest skills assessment library, with over 2500 questions across various domains. The most important thing to keep in mind is that hiring managers will want to know how efficiently you work and how well you will fit in with the company culture.

Interviewing for a position as a front-end developer can be tough, especially if you are new to the industry or you haven’t had an interview for a while. Having a grasp of web fundamentals is, well, fundamental. Good communication and presentation skills can help you stand out from the crowd. The main task of a meta tag is to specify the document specification, such as document page description, page character set, page keywords, page author name, page language, and page viewport setting. You may also be thrown a curveball during the interview, and you’ll need to think on your feet.

I am a Full Stack Developer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, who also loves to write technical articles that can help fellow developers. We can reduce the consumption of resources by the pages by improving the server response. For the preprocessor, you need to learn extra tools, which increases the learning curve of CSS. In local scope, the visibility or accessibility of a variable is limited to a specific function. For instance, if you search for something on Google Search then in return it shows only a few results on the first page, rather than filling the user request by all the search results in bulk. Google Search shows only a few contents and gives an option to the user to fetch more if needed.

It allows me to be creative and learn a wide variety of skills. There’s nothing like that feeling of accomplishment that comes from coming up with an elegant solution to a problem. When I’m in the zone, it feels like I am using all of my brain. There’s an endless amount of possibilities and problems to solve. Watching a script I wrote come alive is a magical experience. Sometimes we get so focused on landing the job, we forget to consider how it will affect us.

Give some suggestions on how can we optimize our front-end page. For example, when we just want to update our name or any other specific information of our account, we can use the PATCH request. PATCHIt is similar to PUT and is used when we want to update a specific field of our data. For example, when we create a new account on any webpage, we generally use the POST request. Preprocessor files can not be executed directly on the browser. For example, Jinja is a popular templating language that works along with python frameworks such as Django and Flask.

  • But, if you know what to expect and prepare ahead of time, you’ll be in great shape.
  • Good communication and presentation skills can help you stand out from the crowd.
  • You can do lots of amazing things with them like wrap text around images, make several different shapes with a single element or create a body border.
  • Just like any industry, if you keep your skills sharp and you know your stuff, you should be okay.
  • Below are some broad categories that these questions fall into.
  • JavaScript has the edge when it comes to backward compatibility but it typically causes more performance issues related to latency.

There is no definitive answer to the question, but it will give a frontend developer the chance to evaluate their own experience and also reveal their expectations. To a certain extent the difference between UI/UX and front-end development is the difference between design and implementation. A UX/UI would also do testing and evaluation post-implementation. Understanding the front-end needs of your own company before asking this question gives an insight into the candidate’s potential fit. MVCs typically organize webapps into a well-structured pattern, making code easier to maintain. The term is well-known by developers and some famous examples of MVCs include backbone.js and angular.js.

What Are Your Favourite Features Of Html5 And Css3 And What Would You Change?

JS should be loaded after all content has loaded, ie just before the closing body tag, so that loading of possibly large JS files does not initial page load. Screenreaders are what someone who is blind would use to read rather than view a page. I recently finished up a good round of interviews for frontend positions (and found a good job! ;), here are some of the questions I was asked which I thought stood out . Developers, be it frontend or backend, who work on projects in their own time are our favorites, as it shows a love of programming outside of monetary incentives. This is also an interesting question as it gives some insight into leadership and team organizational abilities.

Front End Developer Interview Questions 101: Html Edition

Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3, and Chrome 1+ do six downloads per hostname. Sharding across two domains is a good compromise that improves performance in all browsers. But rather than keeping up with new technologies, it reveals whether the front-end developer being interviewed is also up to date with new features within the core technologies. The z-index property is used to stack elements on the z-axis. You can use z-index to override HTML’s default stacking order.

Use caching to make more efficient use of server resources. Use a content delivery network to accelerate the delivery of your content. I’ve been hearing about how great of a functional programming language it is for a while now. It may not be replacing JavaScript anytime soon but it is a very interesting alternative. I’ve dabbled with it in the past but I never dove in deep. It’s a nice tool to add to my bag of tricks.What do you find interesting about coding?

Many top companies devote the most substantial portion of the interview towards testing candidates on their Javascript knowledge. That completes the list of the best front-end interview questions. In the interview, you might also face programming questions related to JavaScript. For example, the interviewer might ask you to write a specific script or function based on a problem. Any web development job interview consists of both backend and front-end interview questions.

Why Front End Interview Handbook?

This is because now, the web is not just limited to the desktop. Other organizations will ask technical questions during the interview. Or, you may be asked to complete a short skills test or debugging exercise while you’re in the office for your technical interview. However, the Window.onload is fired only when the DOM is fully loaded and ready with all the content including images, scripts, css, etc. Unfortunately, up to and including version 8, Internet Explorer doesn’t support files served as XML, although a number of other browsers do.