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10 Properties Of Secure Embedded Systems

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Содержание Newsr Embedded Software Engineer Firmware Vs Embedded Software Embedded Software Iot Software And Connectivity Lead Secure Boot Dig Deeper Into Security With One Of Our Technical White Papers The Rise Of Embedded Software Embedded Software Programming Languages Adding this security feature is as simple as configuring your build options correctly. It’s a common attack aimed at overwriting memory regions Embedded Software Development Solutions with malicious code. Many compilers can now identify whether such an attack is possible by analyzing your code long before it’s deployed. Embedded software is very different from application software, which is the regular type of software known to common users. The former runs on a non-PC device and serves as the operating system , the latter controls the operations of a computer and runs on top of an actual operating system. Mobile embedded systems – They are found in small portable devices and they are therefore highly constrained. They perform tasks within a specified time frame – am embedded systems is created to perform the assigned task within a certain time frame and therefore it has to be flexible to perform fast enough when required to do so. For example, an embedded system in a car braking system must perform within the required timeframe and failure to which an accident would be caused. Newsr Embedded Software Engineer Firmware is typically used as low-level software that operates a specific, single-purpose device. Many components within a personal computer – video adapters, disk drives, and network adapters – have firmware, as do many peripherals that connect to computers (printers, external storage devices; peripherals…). Validating data before use helps to ensure that external inputs cannot unintentionally interrupt or maliciously exploit system functionality leading to compromise of the system. The majority of malicious data input manipulation attacks target known vulnerabilities in application software and common libraries, which leads us to Secure Software Development practices. In 1996 Microsoft Windows developed the CE embedded system before Linux also developed its embedded system. Embedded software can be as simple as the one used in controlling home lighting that runs on an 8-bit microcontroller requiring just a few kilobytes of memory or as complicated or the one used in aircraft avionics systems. In contrast, the work of embedded software is to control the overall operation of the hardware. Even if an attacker is successful in compromising a subcomponent of the system or gains root-level access, they will not have a way to modify or disable security settings of the device. When combined with least privilege, Mandatory Access Controls greatly constrain the attacker’s freedom of maneuver, and blocks their ability to modify, disable, or disrupt system services. Recall that an attacker only has to exploit one vulnerability to be successful, while the defender must protect against all vulnerabilities. As such, every additional line of deployed code potentially introduces software bugs that an attacker can exploit for their nefarious reasons. Intel TXT/ tboot, which can provide authentication and encryption during a measured launch, and also prevents certain advanced hardware attacks. Of course, an embedded system usually has a purpose, and hiding it in a bank vault where it can never be used is not overly useful. Firmware Vs Embedded Software Communications protocols designed for use in embedded systems are available as closed source from companies including InterNiche Technologies and CMX Systems. Software development requires use of a cross compiler, which runs on a computer but produces executable code for the target device. Debugging requires use of an in-circuit emulator, and debugging hardware such as JTAG or SWD debuggers. But with the right tools and to the trained eye you might as well give your attacker the source code. Validating data before use helps to ensure that external inputs cannot unintentionally interrupt or maliciously exploit system functionality leading to compromise of the system. When they do use one, a wide variety of operating systems can be chosen from, typically a real-time operating system. Manufacturers build embedded software into the electronics of cars, telephones, modems, robots, appliances, toys, security systems, pacemakers, televisions and set-top boxes, and digital watches, for example. Mobile embedded systems – They are found in small portable devices and they are therefore highly constrained. Your applications, configurations, and data aren’t safe if they’re not protected at rest. Firstly, embedded software is designed for specific tasks, unlike the general-purpose computers that handle multiple tasks. When they do use one, a wide variety of operating systems can be chosen from, typically a real-time operating system. Code for embedded software is typically written in C or C++, but various high-level programming languages, such as Java, Python and JavaScript, are now also in common use to target microcontrollers and embedded systems. Assembly languages are often used too, especially in booting and interrupt handling. Thus, an initial exploit can quickly gain the attacker unrestricted access to the entire system, or even worse, long-term persistence. Containerization of code helps to mitigate such attacks, preventing an exploit in one component from affecting another. Embedded software needs to include all needed device drivers at manufacturing time, and the device drivers are written for the various hardware devices. Components within the system must prove their trustworthiness through a continuous authentication step. But all devices should inspect the conformance of messages to a prescribed data standard as they are passed from device to device. Once you are able to securely transmit information from one system to another, you can focus on validating the information sent to prevent malicious data input attacks. Worse yet, that same attacker may use an initial compromised device to pivot from one exploited subsystem to another, causing further damage to your network, mission, and reputation. Small scale embedded systems – These are embedded systems that use 8-bit or 16-bit processors. The same robot hardware with different purposes uses different embedded software for each purpose. Embedded Software Most embedded software engineers have at least a passing knowledge of reading schematics, and reading data sheets for components to determine usage of registers and communication system. Conversion between decimal, hexadecimal and binary is useful as well as using bit manipulation. When tasked with securing an embedded system, the defender must be prepared to protect against every possible vulnerability. Manufacturers build embedded software into the electronics of cars, telephones, modems, robots, appliances, toys, security systems, pacemakers, televisions and set-top boxes, and digital watches, for example. However, embedded software can become very sophisticated in applications such as routers, optical network elements,airplanes, missiles, and process control systems. It is like building a boat without bulkheads – a single leak can compromise the whole ship. Today the biggest part of an embedded software code is dedicated to timing issues or thread, messages and event management leaving a very small part of the code to take care of the actual application. Also, it is extremely difficult for an application developer to write embedded software for several networked embedded devices without extensive knowledge in embedded software and networking. Networked embedded systems – They require connection to a network to perform their tasks. They rarely use a user interface – operations are preprogrammed and therefore most embedded systems do not require human input along the way. They are set to obtain inputs from the tasks they are performing to determine the next cause of action. With only a few kilobytes of storage available, firmware tended to be simple and usually didn’t need to be updated, anyway. Digital cameras, Bluetooth™ headphones, washing machines…the list goes on. Non-computer electronic devices simply generate output that can vary according to the condition of inputs. Iot Software And Connectivity Lead This approach starts at the system architecture stage – ensuring that applications and subcomponents are well-defined and self-contained with clearly understood and enforced boundaries. Next, data flows should be analyzed to ensure that inter-component interactions are known and can be controlled. Constraining software workloads to particular hardware components (CPU cores, cache, memory, devices, etc.) leads to a cleaner, more straightforward system configuration. Hundreds of vulnerabilities exist in system boot sequences that, if left unprotected, can and will be exploited by a would-be attacker to gain access to your software and compromise applications and data. For example, boot attacks are the most common method used to “root” popular mobile devices and enable unauthorized applications and system modifications. The Wind River® acquisition of Star Lab combines proven anti-tamper and cybersecurity software for Linux from Star Lab with market-leading embedded software solutions for the intelligent edge from Wind River. Firstly, embedded software is designed for specific tasks, unlike the general-purpose computers that handle multiple tasks. The hardware components (e.g. chips) within a device that house the embedded software are called embedded systems. Unlike standard computers that generally use an operating systems such as macOS, Windows or Linux, embedded software may use no operating system. Secure Boot To be clear, properly implemented MAC policies do not interfere with normal system operation, and they still allow the system to work as designed and intended. The policies can also be updated in a secure and controlled manner by the system implementer. However, Mandatory Access Control intentionally prevents systems from operating in unintended ways, which is a highly desirable property in embedded computing. Separating components via hardware partitioning, therefore improves the overall resiliency of the system as one component can no longer directly or indirectly affect another component. If your software stack is allowed unconstrained access to every hardware component on your system, then an attacker can potentially leverage that same access to catastrophic effect. Approaches to securing and defending safety-critical or mission-critical systems like the AEGIS Weapon System and Ship Self-Defense System vary from basic network firewalls to persistent threat monitoring. Good security practice requires reasoning through potential attacks at every level of the system, understanding and questioning design assumptions, and implementing a defense-in-depth security posture. Furthermore, because any component of the system could become compromised at any point, and thus any message may be maliciously crafted and sent by an adversary, a secure software architecture operates on the principle of mutual distrust. A precise and stable characteristic feature is that no or not all functions of embedded software are initiated/controlled via a human interface, but through machine-interfaces instead. Star Lab’s TrueBoot and UEFI Secure Boot are similar in that they verify the authenticity of boot-time components; however, they vary greatly in terms of how verification is performed and to what level of granularity. Integrity monitoring and auditing to detect and take action that protects the system against relevant security events. There’s no one tip or trick or technology or technique that can immediately and permanently prevent an attacker from compromising your system. Dig Deeper Into Security With One Of Our Technical White Papers By following defensive coding practices, using secure build options, and configuring the end system for maximum security , you can significantly decrease the number of possible attacks that can compromise one or more parts of your system. Device-to-device authentication is often enforced during network formation and at random times thereafter. Message signing and verification are typically included in all messages between authenticated devices. A secure software architecture does not make assumptions about the acceptability of a given input and will validate the format and content of that input before allowing it to be processed by the rest of the system. Small embedded systems may contain their own input/output routines and not require a separate operating system at all. Most consumers are familiar with application software that provide functionality on a computer. Unlike application software, embedded software has fixed hardware requirements and capabilities, and addition of third-party hardware or software is strictly controlled. To mitigate the effects of software exploitation attacks, the defender should containerize, sandbox, and isolate different system functions into separate enclaves. See embedded market, smart car, Windows CE, Windows XP Embedded, Embedded Linux and embedded language. Unlike firmware, embedded software operates more like application software running on a PC. Typical techniques include network and OS-level anomaly detection, system log monitoring, and scanning for known malware. They allow the system operator to recognize when some portion of the system may be compromised and take action against the attacker, revoke trust accordingly, or both. Furthermore, auditing is a requirement of many compliance regulations as the techniques help organizations detect unauthorized modifications to important files, data, or other aspects of your system. HIPAA, NIST, FISMA, NERC, and PCI all require or recommend integrity monitoring and auditing for critical applications and data on distributed systems. Instead, embedded systems should be built using Mandatory Access Controls . As such, there is no user or administrative way to bypass/disable the security controls within the fielded device. The best approach then is to reduce the attack surface by removing code and interfaces that are not absolutely required. Read the AndPlus ratings and client references on Clutch – the leading data-driven, B2B research, ratings, and reviews firm. Firmware is now more likely to be stored in flash memory (the same technology that underlies USB drives and solid-state disk drives), which is much easier to erase and reprogram and has greater storage capacity than its EPROM predecessors. Devices and their firmware are more complex; with increased lines of code, there are more chances for bugs and additional opportunities to modify the firmware for greater speed and efficiency. Even better, if you have the ability to specify the programming language for your system, you can eliminate entire classes of software vulnerability. For example, the popular Rust programming language can eliminate memory-safety and type-safety programming concerns. Of course, the more a defender can do to prevent an exploit from occurring in the first place, the better. One of the best ways to do that is by reducing the system’s attack surface. Yes, handing off control from the hardware to the software is a complicated dance that any embedded system conducts to get up and running. Containerization can be accomplished at multiple levels within the software stack, including separate namespaces (i.e. Docker), virtual machines, separation kernels, and/or hardware-enforced memory spaces. When implemented correctly, even exploited software remains constrained to just its process address space, VM, or container thereby limiting the reach of an attacker and preventing the unintended escalation of access across system components. Moving into the future new design environments and operating systems will be required to provide a mental model that is more advanced and yet very simple to use. Any electronic system that uses a computer chip, but that is not a general-purpose workstation, desktop or laptop computer. Such systems use microcontrollers or microprocessors , or they may use custom-designed chips. Deployed by the billions each year in myriad applications, the embedded systems market uses the lion’s share of electronic components in the world. He also manages the AndPlus employee professional development program, mentoring and guiding employees in their technical, business, and management skills development. Chris received a BA in Computer Science from Clark University, and is a certified Scrum Master. The firmware governs the motions of the robot; it interprets and responds to sensor data. These days, there’s no real bright-line distinction between the two types of software. This means, when tasked with securing an embedded system, the defender must think through and be prepared to protect against every possible vulnerability. Overlook just one opening and the attacker may find it, take control, steal your secrets, and create an exploit for others to use anytime, anywhere. Programs Are in FirmwareIn embedded systems, the software typically resides in firmware, such as a flash memory or read-only memory chip, in contrast to a general-purpose computer that loads its programs into random access memory each time.

Adding this security feature is as simple as configuring your build options correctly. It’s a common attack aimed at overwriting memory regions Embedded Software Development Solutions with malicious code. Many compilers can now identify whether such an attack is possible by analyzing your code long before it’s deployed.

7333d631-5481-4922-b749-d0ecc71d9e6d 10 Properties Of Secure Embedded Systems

Embedded software is very different from application software, which is the regular type of software known to common users. The former runs on a non-PC device and serves as the operating system , the latter controls the operations of a computer and runs on top of an actual operating system. Mobile embedded systems – They are found in small portable devices and they are therefore highly constrained. They perform tasks within a specified time frame – am embedded systems is created to perform the assigned task within a certain time frame and therefore it has to be flexible to perform fast enough when required to do so. For example, an embedded system in a car braking system must perform within the required timeframe and failure to which an accident would be caused.

Newsr Embedded Software Engineer

Firmware is typically used as low-level software that operates a specific, single-purpose device. Many components within a personal computer – video adapters, disk drives, and network adapters – have firmware, as do many peripherals that connect to computers (printers, external storage devices; peripherals…). Validating data before use helps to ensure that external inputs cannot unintentionally interrupt or maliciously exploit system functionality leading to compromise of the system. The majority of malicious data input manipulation attacks target known vulnerabilities in application software and common libraries, which leads us to Secure Software Development practices.

2d95dd5b-759a-4892-b992-0260401233e1-768x432 10 Properties Of Secure Embedded Systems

In 1996 Microsoft Windows developed the CE embedded system before Linux also developed its embedded system. Embedded software can be as simple as the one used in controlling home lighting that runs on an 8-bit microcontroller requiring just a few kilobytes of memory or as complicated or the one used in aircraft avionics systems. In contrast, the work of embedded software is to control the overall operation of the hardware.

Even if an attacker is successful in compromising a subcomponent of the system or gains root-level access, they will not have a way to modify or disable security settings of the device. When combined with least privilege, Mandatory Access Controls greatly constrain the attacker’s freedom of maneuver, and blocks their ability to modify, disable, or disrupt system services. Recall that an attacker only has to exploit one vulnerability to be successful, while the defender must protect against all vulnerabilities. As such, every additional line of deployed code potentially introduces software bugs that an attacker can exploit for their nefarious reasons. Intel TXT/ tboot, which can provide authentication and encryption during a measured launch, and also prevents certain advanced hardware attacks. Of course, an embedded system usually has a purpose, and hiding it in a bank vault where it can never be used is not overly useful.

Firmware Vs Embedded Software

Communications protocols designed for use in embedded systems are available as closed source from companies including InterNiche Technologies and CMX Systems. Software development requires use of a cross compiler, which runs on a computer but produces executable code for the target device. Debugging requires use of an in-circuit emulator, and debugging hardware such as JTAG or SWD debuggers.

  • But with the right tools and to the trained eye you might as well give your attacker the source code.
  • Validating data before use helps to ensure that external inputs cannot unintentionally interrupt or maliciously exploit system functionality leading to compromise of the system.
  • When they do use one, a wide variety of operating systems can be chosen from, typically a real-time operating system.
  • Manufacturers build embedded software into the electronics of cars, telephones, modems, robots, appliances, toys, security systems, pacemakers, televisions and set-top boxes, and digital watches, for example.
  • Mobile embedded systems – They are found in small portable devices and they are therefore highly constrained.
  • Your applications, configurations, and data aren’t safe if they’re not protected at rest.
  • Firstly, embedded software is designed for specific tasks, unlike the general-purpose computers that handle multiple tasks.

When they do use one, a wide variety of operating systems can be chosen from, typically a real-time operating system. Code for embedded software is typically written in C or C++, but various high-level programming languages, such as Java, Python and JavaScript, are now also in common use to target microcontrollers and embedded systems. Assembly languages are often used too, especially in booting and interrupt handling. Thus, an initial exploit can quickly gain the attacker unrestricted access to the entire system, or even worse, long-term persistence. Containerization of code helps to mitigate such attacks, preventing an exploit in one component from affecting another. Embedded software needs to include all needed device drivers at manufacturing time, and the device drivers are written for the various hardware devices.

Components within the system must prove their trustworthiness through a continuous authentication step. But all devices should inspect the conformance of messages to a prescribed data standard as they are passed from device to device. Once you are able to securely transmit information from one system to another, you can focus on validating the information sent to prevent malicious data input attacks. Worse yet, that same attacker may use an initial compromised device to pivot from one exploited subsystem to another, causing further damage to your network, mission, and reputation. Small scale embedded systems – These are embedded systems that use 8-bit or 16-bit processors. The same robot hardware with different purposes uses different embedded software for each purpose.

Embedded Software

Most embedded software engineers have at least a passing knowledge of reading schematics, and reading data sheets for components to determine usage of registers and communication system. Conversion between decimal, hexadecimal and binary is useful as well as using bit manipulation. When tasked with securing an embedded system, the defender must be prepared to protect against every possible vulnerability. Manufacturers build embedded software into the electronics of cars, telephones, modems, robots, appliances, toys, security systems, pacemakers, televisions and set-top boxes, and digital watches, for example. However, embedded software can become very sophisticated in applications such as routers, optical network elements,airplanes, missiles, and process control systems.

It is like building a boat without bulkheads – a single leak can compromise the whole ship. Today the biggest part of an embedded software code is dedicated to timing issues or thread, messages and event management leaving a very small part of the code to take care of the actual application. Also, it is extremely difficult for an application developer to write embedded software for several networked embedded devices without extensive knowledge in embedded software and networking. Networked embedded systems – They require connection to a network to perform their tasks. They rarely use a user interface – operations are preprogrammed and therefore most embedded systems do not require human input along the way. They are set to obtain inputs from the tasks they are performing to determine the next cause of action.

7fb2cff1-7451-4ff7-89d3-5e999b13d99a-768x512 10 Properties Of Secure Embedded Systems

With only a few kilobytes of storage available, firmware tended to be simple and usually didn’t need to be updated, anyway. Digital cameras, Bluetooth™ headphones, washing machines…the list goes on. Non-computer electronic devices simply generate output that can vary according to the condition of inputs.

Iot Software And Connectivity Lead

This approach starts at the system architecture stage – ensuring that applications and subcomponents are well-defined and self-contained with clearly understood and enforced boundaries. Next, data flows should be analyzed to ensure that inter-component interactions are known and can be controlled. Constraining software workloads to particular hardware components (CPU cores, cache, memory, devices, etc.) leads to a cleaner, more straightforward system configuration.

top-10-mov-programuvannya-u-2022-rotsi-1 10 Properties Of Secure Embedded Systems

Hundreds of vulnerabilities exist in system boot sequences that, if left unprotected, can and will be exploited by a would-be attacker to gain access to your software and compromise applications and data. For example, boot attacks are the most common method used to “root” popular mobile devices and enable unauthorized applications and system modifications. The Wind River® acquisition of Star Lab combines proven anti-tamper and cybersecurity software for Linux from Star Lab with market-leading embedded software solutions for the intelligent edge from Wind River. Firstly, embedded software is designed for specific tasks, unlike the general-purpose computers that handle multiple tasks. The hardware components (e.g. chips) within a device that house the embedded software are called embedded systems. Unlike standard computers that generally use an operating systems such as macOS, Windows or Linux, embedded software may use no operating system.

Secure Boot

To be clear, properly implemented MAC policies do not interfere with normal system operation, and they still allow the system to work as designed and intended. The policies can also be updated in a secure and controlled manner by the system implementer. However, Mandatory Access Control intentionally prevents systems from operating in unintended ways, which is a highly desirable property in embedded computing. Separating components via hardware partitioning, therefore improves the overall resiliency of the system as one component can no longer directly or indirectly affect another component. If your software stack is allowed unconstrained access to every hardware component on your system, then an attacker can potentially leverage that same access to catastrophic effect.

Approaches to securing and defending safety-critical or mission-critical systems like the AEGIS Weapon System and Ship Self-Defense System vary from basic network firewalls to persistent threat monitoring. Good security practice requires reasoning through potential attacks at every level of the system, understanding and questioning design assumptions, and implementing a defense-in-depth security posture. Furthermore, because any component of the system could become compromised at any point, and thus any message may be maliciously crafted and sent by an adversary, a secure software architecture operates on the principle of mutual distrust.

A precise and stable characteristic feature is that no or not all functions of embedded software are initiated/controlled via a human interface, but through machine-interfaces instead. Star Lab’s TrueBoot and UEFI Secure Boot are similar in that they verify the authenticity of boot-time components; however, they vary greatly in terms of how verification is performed and to what level of granularity. Integrity monitoring and auditing to detect and take action that protects the system against relevant security events. There’s no one tip or trick or technology or technique that can immediately and permanently prevent an attacker from compromising your system.

Dig Deeper Into Security With One Of Our Technical White Papers

By following defensive coding practices, using secure build options, and configuring the end system for maximum security , you can significantly decrease the number of possible attacks that can compromise one or more parts of your system. Device-to-device authentication is often enforced during network formation and at random times thereafter. Message signing and verification are typically included in all messages between authenticated devices. A secure software architecture does not make assumptions about the acceptability of a given input and will validate the format and content of that input before allowing it to be processed by the rest of the system.

Small embedded systems may contain their own input/output routines and not require a separate operating system at all. Most consumers are familiar with application software that provide functionality on a computer. Unlike application software, embedded software has fixed hardware requirements and capabilities, and addition of third-party hardware or software is strictly controlled. To mitigate the effects of software exploitation attacks, the defender should containerize, sandbox, and isolate different system functions into separate enclaves.

See embedded market, smart car, Windows CE, Windows XP Embedded, Embedded Linux and embedded language. Unlike firmware, embedded software operates more like application software running on a PC. Typical techniques include network and OS-level anomaly detection, system log monitoring, and scanning for known malware. They allow the system operator to recognize when some portion of the system may be compromised and take action against the attacker, revoke trust accordingly, or both.

Furthermore, auditing is a requirement of many compliance regulations as the techniques help organizations detect unauthorized modifications to important files, data, or other aspects of your system. HIPAA, NIST, FISMA, NERC, and PCI all require or recommend integrity monitoring and auditing for critical applications and data on distributed systems. Instead, embedded systems should be built using Mandatory Access Controls . As such, there is no user or administrative way to bypass/disable the security controls within the fielded device. The best approach then is to reduce the attack surface by removing code and interfaces that are not absolutely required.

Read the AndPlus ratings and client references on Clutch – the leading data-driven, B2B research, ratings, and reviews firm. Firmware is now more likely to be stored in flash memory (the same technology that underlies USB drives and solid-state disk drives), which is much easier to erase and reprogram and has greater storage capacity than its EPROM predecessors. Devices and their firmware are more complex; with increased lines of code, there are more chances for bugs and additional opportunities to modify the firmware for greater speed and efficiency.

Even better, if you have the ability to specify the programming language for your system, you can eliminate entire classes of software vulnerability. For example, the popular Rust programming language can eliminate memory-safety and type-safety programming concerns. Of course, the more a defender can do to prevent an exploit from occurring in the first place, the better. One of the best ways to do that is by reducing the system’s attack surface. Yes, handing off control from the hardware to the software is a complicated dance that any embedded system conducts to get up and running.

Containerization can be accomplished at multiple levels within the software stack, including separate namespaces (i.e. Docker), virtual machines, separation kernels, and/or hardware-enforced memory spaces. When implemented correctly, even exploited software remains constrained to just its process address space, VM, or container thereby limiting the reach of an attacker and preventing the unintended escalation of access across system components. Moving into the future new design environments and operating systems will be required to provide a mental model that is more advanced and yet very simple to use. Any electronic system that uses a computer chip, but that is not a general-purpose workstation, desktop or laptop computer. Such systems use microcontrollers or microprocessors , or they may use custom-designed chips. Deployed by the billions each year in myriad applications, the embedded systems market uses the lion’s share of electronic components in the world.

He also manages the AndPlus employee professional development program, mentoring and guiding employees in their technical, business, and management skills development. Chris received a BA in Computer Science from Clark University, and is a certified Scrum Master. The firmware governs the motions of the robot; it interprets and responds to sensor data. These days, there’s no real bright-line distinction between the two types of software.

This means, when tasked with securing an embedded system, the defender must think through and be prepared to protect against every possible vulnerability. Overlook just one opening and the attacker may find it, take control, steal your secrets, and create an exploit for others to use anytime, anywhere. Programs Are in FirmwareIn embedded systems, the software typically resides in firmware, such as a flash memory or read-only memory chip, in contrast to a general-purpose computer that loads its programs into random access memory each time.